عرض تفاصيل البحث

ادناه جميع التفاصيل الخاصة بالبحث المطلوب عرضه. توفر هذه المنصة معلومات اساسية حول البحث, لمزيد من التفاصيل يرجى متابعة التصفح من خلال الضغط على الرابط الاصلي للبحث او رابط DOI.

عنوان البحث
Techniques And Protocols For Computer And Communications Networks
عنوان المجلة
Solid State Technology
تفاصيل النشر
سنة النشر - 2024 / الفهرس الاصلي للمجلة - 67 : 1 (عدد الصفحات 100)
تصنيف البحث
Protocols for Computer and Communications - المجموعة الهندسية
رابط DOI
البحث والاستدامة
غير مرتبط باهداف التنمية المستدامة  
البحث والمجتمع
غير محدد
الكلمات المفتاحية

اسم الباحثجهة الانتساببلد الباحث
Al Noor Ali Aziz University of Sumer Iraq

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) are some of the more important protocols that shall be discussed in this study. TCP is widely used for Internet applications and network communication is based on the Internet Protocol (IP), where the devices can be assigned IP addresses and data are transmitted through the public networks. As for HTTP, this is a channel that allows for the exchange of hypertext and thereby makes it possible to perform what is known as ‘‘surfing’’ on the site as well as interact with the site. FTP, however, allows the transfer of data in a smooth manner across computers in TCP/IP networks. RTP is of great importance in the transfer of real-time audio and video information; the spouses apply RTP in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) interactions and the streaming of live videos. The three main communication protocols used in email messaging are SMTP, POP3, and IMAP which help in the transmission, reception, and arrangement of email messages. Each of the protocols considered is investigated with respect to its detailed features, such as its procedures, messaging format, security considerations, and recent advancements. The research also continues to explore the advantages and limitations of various protocols in different network environments. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of computer and communications networks by analyzing diverse methodologies and protocols.
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